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SPS UV Technology

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A UV light water treatment system allows water to flow around a UV lamp, inactivating bacterial cells. Because cells have to be exposed to enough light, it’s important to control the flow rate and make sure all water is exposed for enough time.



SPS UV Water Purification System for Whole House Application

By using this system, you can anticipate notable enhancements in your water systems’ performance and efficiency. This solution can successfully eliminate any current scale build-up and ensure long-term prevention against future formation, without being affected by water hardness.

Furthermore, it is both chemical-free and maintenance-free, making it simple and straightforward to use. By decreasing system maintenance needs and reducing energy consumption, you can achieve considerable savings and a longer lifespan for your water systems.

UV Water Purification System For Swimming Pool Water Treatment

UV technology is a globally accepted solution for water disinfection and combine chlorine removal, being able to solve the complex challenge of creating healthy swimming pool environments free of chlorine by-products.

The improved technological and design-related configurations throughout the years have made UV a viable OPEX and CAPEX solution for swimming pools of all sizes.Improving the water treatment conditions by implementing UV systems not only causes a healthy pool environment but also improves the water consumption levels, reducing the overall operation costs and carbon footprint, while achieving a healthier environment.

UV Water Purification System For Wastewater Recycling System

The UV Sterilizer System offers safe, chemical-free disinfection for municipal and industrial wastewater disinfection.

With the transition of implementing wastewater treatment plants, the foundation for the future is underway, moving towards much more sustainable conditions.

Implementing the water management conditions of the future naturally involves UV disinfection as a vital part of the plant, to improve water quality and reliability, while minimizing environmental impact. Choosing UV was therefore perfectly matched for the WWTP, utilizing chemical-free innovative technology.

UV Water Purification System For Food & Beverage Industry

The food and beverage market involves a variety of industries such as bottled water, food packaging, crop irrigation, carbonated and non-carbonated beverages, dairies, and meat and poultry processing plants. Ultraviolet (UV) technology has been successfully used for pathogenic microorganism control in these related industries.

A common application of UV light in water treatment is disinfection, but the technology can also be used to reduce TOC (total organic carbon), free chlorine/chloramines and eliminate ozone.

UV Water Purification For Aquaculture

The UV light of the medium-pressure UV sterilizer is multi-band, with a wavelength between 200-400nm. Ultraviolet light of different wavelengths can penetrate and destroy the nuclei of different types of microorganisms, inactivate the microorganisms and not revive them.

The use of aquatic UV sterilizers can not only ensure the safety and health of water quality but also prevent secondary pollution of water quality. It is one of the first choices for water disinfection and sterilization in aquaculture.

Functions of medium-pressure UV light in water treatment systems:

  • TOC removal
  • Disinfection and sterilization
  • Ozone decomposition
  • Removal of chlorine and chloramines
  • Purify water quality

IPSE UV System For House

A huge difference in water hardness. The city water that we use in our house is very hard. After installing Agua topone IPSE, I descaled the electric kettle to check on the example of the kettle and how this device will pass the test. After two weeks on the bottom and on the walls of the kettle there was a white coating visible in the second photo, after wiping with a damp cloth, without scrubbing and without using any chemicals, the sediment is 86%; it is white after drying, which is easily removed with a cotton cloth, does not deposit limescale. After bathing, the skin is delicate. I am very SATISFIED with the work of this device! It is also very pleasing that it does not take up much space, is quick and easy to install for a plumber, and there is no need to buy and add salt every month. 

Headquarters: No. 151, Canghu East Erli, Haicang District, Xiamen, China

Factories: Fujian, Guangdong, and Zhejiang provinces

Tel: 86-13606920716

