- Well Water
Many rural homeowners who draw their water from private wells assume that their water is safe. Unless the water has been tested, however, there is no way to know whether it contains potentially harmful pathogens. A coliform count indicates that a well is contaminated. Faulty sewage or manure systems or field run-off can be sources of contamination.
Many livestock producers wish to protect their animals from poor water quality and install water treatment systems that incorporate UV light for disinfection.
- Surface Water
In many rural regions, homes and cottages draw their water directly from lakes or streams, which collect potentially harmful storm run-off. Add that many animals live in these lakes and streams, and the likelihood of microbial contamination in these supplies is high. Again, the water can be tested, and a coliform count will indicate whether the water should be disinfected.
As with any water supply, the level of contamination can vary throughout the seasons. Water is most likely to be contaminated with microorganisms during rainy season when levels are high and run-off peaks. Consequently, the rainy season is an ideal time to test your water.
Testing private water supplies is typically necessary before selling a rural home. But often only then do water contamination problems become known. If a problem does exist, vendors must often prove that the water is safe before the prospective buyers will take ownership. Installing an ultraviolet water disinfection system is an effective, straightforward way to solve these types of water contamination problems.
- Public Water Supplies
Even people in communities served by municipally treated water are installing a UV light system. Concerns over the health effects of chlorine have prompted many families to de-chlorinate their water. Some of these families use a UV light system to disinfect their de-chlorinated water. Others install a UV light system to back up the municipal treatment process.
- Commercial Water
Restaurants, hotels, resorts, and campgrounds must supply safe water to their guests. Many of these establishments now employ UV disinfection systems because they are simpler and easier to handle than chlorination systems.
As well, the sick and elderly are more susceptible to waterborne pathogens than are the young and healthy. Consequently, hospitals and nursing homes must keep their water free from microbial contamination. The medical industry also incorporates UV into essential processes such as dialysis.
- Process Water for Industry
Factories and laboratories with low water use but high-quality requirements can take advantage of UV disinfection systems to treat their water. Some processes are unable to tolerate chlorine, and the food and beverage industry wants to eliminate the odor and taste of chlorine from their products.
If you want to learn more about PolexTech UV Water Sterilizer System, welcome to check on www.polextech.com, or please contact us requesting for catalogue. If you have some ideas to share and discuss together, please feel free to comment as well, PolexTech team members will get back to you within 12 working hours. Thank you, have a nice day.