
How Does Mini UV Sterilizer Can Kill Bacteria in Water?

The sterilizing properties of ultraviolet radiation appeared in 1887. People started using it in water disinfection processes in the first half of the 20th century. Nowadays, ultraviolet is used to disinfect drinking water, pool water, surfaces, air, etc.

  • What is a mini UV water sterilizer for?

Generally, bacteria can contaminate any source of water with bacteria. They can enter a well or shallow borehole, such as from a crack in your septic tank or from your neighbor’s leaky sinkhole. Microorganisms reproduce very well in surface sources such as rivers, reservoirs, etc.

Most of these organisms are a direct threat to human health. When ingested, they lead to a large number of undesirable consequences. The ultraviolet sterilizer guarantees and effectively disinfects water. Moreover, it makes it suitable for drinking and other household purposes.

  • What is UV and how does it work?

Ultraviolet rays vary in wavelength. Some rays are beneficial for the body; they contribute to the production of vitamin D3 in the human body. In a mini UV sterilizer, a special lamp placed in a quartz casing emits light with a wavelength of 254 nanometers.

Light interacts with the DNA of microorganisms and destroys its structure. As we know from the school biology course: information about the structure of a cell is encrypted in DNA so that this cell can multiply. Ultraviolet light does not kill bacteria but deprives them of their ability to multiply and thereby harm the human body.

  • Mini UV water sterilizer consists of:

Shells (or so-called reaction chamber)

A quartz tube placed inside the chamber

Most ultraviolet lamp (emitting element)

Power supply

  • Ultraviolet light destroys pathogens of the following diseases:



Typhoid and cholera




Cysts of Giardia lamblia and Cryptosporidium and others.

  • The use of ultraviolet radiation in water treatment:

In a water supply system where a carbon, polypropylene, or any other cartridge, backfill filter, or softener is installed. The filter filling or the surface of the cartridge is a favorable environment for the growth and reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms.

In water supply systems using reverse osmosis installations. Such systems usually involve the use of a storage tank, and there is some possibility of water contamination. In this case, the mini UV sterilizer acts as a safety net.

The water comes from a well or various surface sources.

Aeration comes in the water treatment system. Abundant oxygen saturation of water significantly accelerates the growth of microorganisms.

Hydrogen sulfide or ammonia is present in the feed water.

  • How to choose a water mini UV sterilizer?

The choice of a particular sterilizer model depends primarily on its performance. This indicator is calculated on the basis of the radiation dose that water receives when passing through the sterilizer.

Specializing in UV water purification and disinfection solutions, PolexTech designs, and engineers all product solutions for the whole home, commercial, industrial, and municipal, We provide a “one-stop” solution for all your water purification and disinfection needs.

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