
Floating solar for water pumping

From pv magazine Spain


A community in Spain is using a 1.6 MW floating PV array to power water pumps for irrigation purposes. Spanish specialist Isigenere provided its technology for the project.

Access to the floating platform is made up of three footbridges reinforced with metal profiles and safety rails. (Image: Isigenere)

The Sur-Andévalo Irrigation Community in Spain’s southern province of Huelva has completed the installation of a 1.6 MW floating photovoltaic plant for solar pumping.

Built on the Dehesa de las Yeguas pond, in the municipality of Cartaya, the system relies on 7,168 Isifloating 4.0 floats provided by Spanish specialist Isigenere and 3,584 solar panels, each with a rated power of 450 W.

Access to the floating platform consists of three footbridges reinforced with metal profiles and safety rails. “These gateways allow access to the platform to carry out its maintenance, and, in addition, support the evacuation of the electrical system with all the necessary stability and security,” the company explained.

The solar energy produced by the plant will help reduce the energy costs of the irrigation community’s water pumping. In addition, the floating solar plant will help reduce water evaporation and algae blooms. The project included the participation of Cian Obras y Servicios S.L., which was in charge of the floating structure installation, anchors, moorings and the electrical system; and Papola Ingenieros S.L.P.U., which oversaw engineering.

Isifloating features a unique and patented floating technology that allows partial or complete coverage of the water surface, according to Isigenere. Floating solar plants can be placed on top of multiple bodies of water: irrigation ponds, industrial use ponds, reservoirs, hydroelectric plants, water treatment plants, mine lakes or even on land susceptible to flooding. “The current version of the Isifloating 4.0 system is the most durable, safest, easiest to transport, simple to install, weatherproof and lowest O&M system on the market,” the company stated.

In March, the Spanish government submitted to public consultation a royal decree that would regulate the installation of floating photovoltaic plants. According to its estimates, around 7.5 GW of floating photovoltaic capacity could be deployed in public domain waters.

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