
PolexTech Customized 45KW DC Submersible Solar Pump

One more customized project is finished – a DC centrifugal solar water pump for a Peru customer on an irrigation project. Power 45KW, max head 150m, max flow 130M3/H.


• Pumping of water for irrigation or drinking water supply in off-grid areas, easy installation.

• Farmer can cultivate multiple crops throughout the year in off-grid areas.

• Farmer can save their time spent collecting and transporting water.

• Lower operation expense compared to diesel pumps.

• Zero emission of greenhouse gases.

• Reduced load on the national grid.

Solar power is poised to revolutionize water use in agriculture, providing an attractive means for farmers to irrigate their crops. The amount of energy from the sun that reaches the Earth each day is absolutely enormous. All the energy stored in the world’s reserves of oil, coal and natural gases is matched to the energy of just 20 days of sunshine.

Because of this, it is easy to understand why solar energy farms are becoming more and more popular around the world. The advantage of solar power for farming is that it allows farmers to save on the constantly rising energy costs of running a farm.

If you want to customize or get a price quote for your project, welcome to comment here now.


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