
Technical Knowledge

Principles Of UV Disinfection

Achieving optimum UV disinfection of water requires delivering a sufficient UV dose to induce greater levels of nucleic acid damage and thereby overcome or overwhelm DNA repair mechanisms.

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Ozone Generator Application for Waster Water

Ozone is added to wastewater during the treatment process, removing germs and organic compounds. In effect, the wastewater is being filtered by the O3 chemical, hence the name ozone filtration.

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Ozone Generator Application for Fruit Cleanning

Today use of Ozonated water is considered by most to be the best available and advanced technology for washing fruits and vegetables, CIP and many other applications and a much better alternative than using chemicals.

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Ozone Generator Application for Agriculture Water

With O3Waves, ozone is dissolved in water for use in irrigation. The ozone present in the water is able to decontaminate soils overloaded with chemical residues from the use of fertilizers and phytosanitary products.

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Ozone Generator Application for Drinking Water

Municipal water companies have used ozone technology to treat large quantities of water for many years because of its effectiveness in purifying and conditioning water. Because ozone can be added at the point of water treatment and naturally reverts back to oxygen, it can keep water sanitized throughout a...

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Ozone Generator Application for Aquaculture Water

Ozone can effectively inactivate a range of bacterial, viral, fungal and protozoan fish pathogens. The effectiveness of ozone treatment depends on ozone concentration, length of ozone exposure (contact time), pathogen loads and levels of organic matter.

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Ozone Generator Application for Swimming Pool

Ozone (O3) is a very effective disinfection agent and can be used in swimming pools to replace chlorine and bromine containing disinfection chemicals. The advantage of the use of ozone compared to the other swimming pool treatment agents is the fact that the swimming environment will increase dramatically.

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2023 Climate Change Report by IPCC and What PolexTech Can Help in Climate Business?

The IPCC proposes that the solution lies in climate-resilient development with actions to reduce or avoid greenhouse gas emissions, using clean energy and low-carbon electrification, promoting zero-carbon and low-carbon transport, improving air quality, and more. Therefore, more and more people and countries now are using solar energy and PolexTech...

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Solar water pumps for farmers

Solar water pumps are a low-cost solution that enables farmers to spend more time increasing their income by growing crops, instead of ferrying water from miles away. The system boosts the income of the farmers, reduces the reliance on erratic power, and increases the water supply without incurring any...

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