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UV disinfection systems are effective against a wide range of micro-organisms including chlorine-tolerant pathogens, like cryptosporidium. It is a great solution that can combat microbial populations resistant to chemicals and heat while also being efficient and effective, helping to reduce capital expenditure.

Without the need for chemicals, UV technology limits by-product formations caused by chemical additions and does not introduce any poor taste or odour compounds to the liquid being treated. While the systems are generally easy to install or retrofit to existing plants, they are also a low-maintenance technology that often reduces engineering time and therefore operational expenditure.

EPS UV Water Purification System for Whole House Application
EPS Series Whole House UV Water Filter Ultraviolet Disinfection Systems are specifically designed for point-of-entry water treatment in homes or light commercial applications where microbiological control is required.
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UV Water Purification System For Swimming Pool Water Treatment
By utilizing sterilizer, the reliance on traditional chemical disinfectants, such as chlorine, can be reduced. This can result in lower chemical usage and potentially fewer associated side effects, such as skin and eye irritation.
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UV Water Purification System For Factory
UV systems which has been running in our factory. We made a mock up testing facility in our factory in order to make sure the UV units are running welll and will meet our customer requirements.
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UV Water Purification System For Wastewater Recycling System
MBR based wastewater recycling system with AGUA TOPONE UV disinfection systems for the Car wash units.
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UV Water Purification System For Food & Beverage Industry
The food and beverage market involves a variety of industries such as bottled water, food packaging, crop irrigation, carbonated and non-carbonated beverages, dairies, and meat and poultry processing plants. Ultraviolet (UV) technology has been successfully used for pathogenic microorganism control in these related industries.
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UV Water Purification For Aquaculture
The use of aquatic UV sterilizers can not only ensure the safety and health of water quality,but also prevent secondary pollution of water quality.It is one of the first choices for water disinfection and sterilization in aquaculture.
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Due to the tightening of environmental regulations throughout the world, the ozone industry is fast growing and as such new applications for ozone technology are being regularly implemented. Ozone technology has many advantages which have been reliably implemented in many water treatment industries.

Ozone for Drinking Water
The water after ozone treatment is colorless, tasteless and tastes good, which can improve the quality of drinking water.
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Ozone for Fruit Cleanning
The harmful substances on vegetables and fruits are basically attached to the surface. The use of ozonewater can effectively remove pesticide residues, bacteria and viruses on vegetables and fruits, and wil notaffect the nutrients and taste of fruits and vegetables.
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Ozone for Swimming Pool
No chlorine smell - Ozone oxidizes organic and inorganic matter without forming byproducts such as chloramines (which are responsible for chlorine smell).
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Ozone for Waster Water
Ozone is added to wastewater during the treatment process, removing germs and organic compounds. In effect, the wastewater is being filtered by the O3 chemical, hence the name ozone filtration.
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Ozone for Agriculture Water
With O3Waves, ozone is dissolved in water for use in irrigation. The ozone present in the water is able to decontaminate soils overloaded with chemical residues from the use of fertilizers and phytosanitary products.
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Ozone for Aquaculture Water
Ozone can effectively inactivate a range of bacterial, viral, fungal and protozoan fish pathogens.
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Solar water pumps are widely used in agricultural irrigation, desert control, grassland animal husbandry, urban water features, domestic water, etc., reflecting the modern concept of low carbon, energy saving and environmental protection. The following will introduce the application of solar water pumps in production and life.

Solar Water Pump for Drinking Water
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Solar Water Pump for Livestock
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Solar Water Pump for Irrigation
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Solar Water Pump for Desert Control
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Solar Water Pump for Vegetable Irrigation
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Solar Water Pump for Construction Water
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Headquarters: No. 151, Canghu East Erli, Haicang District, Xiamen, China

Factories: Fujian, Guangdong, and Zhejiang provinces

Tel: 86-13606920716

