
3 Stage Water Filter With Uv Light For Whole House Water Filter Systems

Over 20 million households in the US depend on unsafe drinking water and you could be one of them.

Water is associated with the fundamentals of human living. From cleaning, bathing, and cooking to drinking, it serves as an important element in our lifeline. The problem lies in the type of water you use, which many people are unaware of. Depending on where you live, your water may consist of many toxic pollutants, such as sediment, pesticides, bacteria, and human or animal drugs.

It is evident that you cannot control the quality of your water. However, there are several options that can prevent these contaminants from potentially harming your health, property, and expenses. With a whole house water filter, it is certain that it will enhance the quality of your water.

Upon surfing the internet, we found a few of the top-ranking whole house water filters guaranteed to improve the taste and texture of your water. Be sure to check them out below, along with our detailed buying guide.

Why is the Whole House Water Filter System a Necessity?

Water pollutants are not only present in lakes, seas, and rivers, but can also be found in tap water – the primary water source for millions of people worldwide. Experts do not consider contaminants in water an actual crisis since many of them are harmless. Some are even beneficial to human health, like minerals.

When And Why Should You Worry Then?

When the level of harmful elements is excessively high is when you may begin to worry. Impure water may cause waterborne diseases or health issues. Your plumbing systems might suffer from moderate to severe damage. Stains are visible, plus you may experience persistent skin discomfort.

According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) US, there are four types of drinking water contamination. Physical contamination refers to organic materials or residues, while chemicals can be synthetic or naturally occurring, such as salts and bleach. There’s also biological and radiological, with parasites, bacteria, and uranium as common pollutants.

Chlorinated Water Is Not As Safe As You Think

Even though you are using municipal water, chances are you are still getting doubtful water. It is specifically true if you have obsolete pipes. That’s why homeowners switch to chlorinated water.

This type of water can undeniably sterilize most bacteria and other microbes. However, according to several studies, consuming large amounts of chlorinated water could pose a health risk. It can negatively affect your skin and hair as well.

These issues are when the whole house water filtration system proves to be a valuable asset of any home. It uses a particular filtration system to decontaminate water at a fast rate. There is no wastewater, which makes it a much more reasonable alternative to other filtering systems. It also helps reduce the amount of chlorine in your water. What makes it an all around great option is that it is eco-friendly.

Which Type of House Water Filter Should You Get?

Another factor to take into account is the type of filter to use. Let’s walk you through various options.

a)   Carbon Water

If you often deal with organic substances, chlorine, residues, or heavy minerals that cause your water to be polluted, carbon water could help. It is one of the most common alternatives in the market, especially for average-sized homes. It is less expensive and only requires low maintenance.

b)  Reverse Osmosis

Reverse Osmosis (RO) technology handles high ratios of noxious wastes, ranging from salt and copper to fluoride and arsenic. It can potentially remove hazardous waterborne bacteria, which makes it a good value for the money.

The impurities are entirely strained, and thus, an excellent filter for cleaning and residential use. Using it as drinking water, however, is not generally recommended since the system involves stripping minerals. You can use it if you have private well water.

c)   Aeration Filter

It is another environmentally-friendly water filter option specifically designed for well waters. The process involves neutralizing toxins that affect your water’s smell and taste. Radon and carbon dioxide are among the examples.

It also discards several industrial diluters that affect the quality of water, besides iron and manganese. The pH water level is increased to make it less acidic and non-violent to use.

d)  Ion Exchange

As its name points out, ion exchange gets rid of disagreeable dissolved ions contained in water. They will be replaced with other ions with similar electrical charges to make the water pollutant-free.

This filtration method is low-cost, regenerable, and effective at disposing of negatively and positively charged contaminants such as fluoride, sulfate, calcium, and magnesium. Although, it could be weaker in removing microorganisms and organic impurities.

e)   Ultraviolet Disinfection

The central function of Ultraviolet Disinfection (UV) is to eliminate viruses and bacteria. It is eco-friendly since it relies on UV light frequencies to sanitize water. Some companies combine it with other whole house water filter systems to remove common impurities, including pesticides and chlorine.

The UV filter kills up to 99.9% of harmful microbes in the tap or well water, plus the maintenance is relatively easy. It will also save you hundreds of dollars from energy bills.

Also you can select 3 stage water filter with uv light.

Specializing in UV water purification and disinfection solutions, PolexTech designs, and engineers all product solutions for the whole home, commercial, industrial, and municipal, We provide a “one-stop” solution for all your water purification and disinfection needs.

If you want to learn more about PolexTech UV Water Purification System, welcome to check on, or please contact us requesting for catalogue. If you have some ideas to share and discuss together, please feel free to comment as well, PolexTech team members will get back to you within 12 working hours. Thank you, have a nice day.


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